14 research outputs found

    Una experiencia en el uso de las tic en la educaci贸n universitaria

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    Esta ponencia explica el uso que se ha hecho de dos utilidades de la herramienta de educaci贸n bimodal Campus Virtual de la Universidad Aut贸noma de Barcelona para llevar a cabo la tutor铆a integrada de varias asignaturas de la titulaci贸n de Filolog铆a Inglesa. De les diferentes modalidades de tutor铆a integrada (cr茅ditos que no corresponden a horas de presencia en el aula sino a horas de trabajo de los alumnos), aqu铆 se han seleccionado dos: la correcci贸n de trabajos escritos y la discusi贸n de distintos temas. Las utilidades del Campus Virtual usadas son las siguientes: el Lliurament d'arxius (entrega de archivos) (en que todo el mecanismo de asignaci贸n, elaboraci贸n y correcci贸n de trabajos se hace virtualmente), y el Forum (un espacio de discusi贸n abierto a todos los alumnos de la asignatura).Eje: Educaci贸n universitaria: Experiencias uso NTICRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Una experiencia en el uso de las tic en la educaci贸n universitaria

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    Esta ponencia explica el uso que se ha hecho de dos utilidades de la herramienta de educaci贸n bimodal Campus Virtual de la Universidad Aut贸noma de Barcelona para llevar a cabo la tutor铆a integrada de varias asignaturas de la titulaci贸n de Filolog铆a Inglesa. De les diferentes modalidades de tutor铆a integrada (cr茅ditos que no corresponden a horas de presencia en el aula sino a horas de trabajo de los alumnos), aqu铆 se han seleccionado dos: la correcci贸n de trabajos escritos y la discusi贸n de distintos temas. Las utilidades del Campus Virtual usadas son las siguientes: el Lliurament d'arxius (entrega de archivos) (en que todo el mecanismo de asignaci贸n, elaboraci贸n y correcci贸n de trabajos se hace virtualmente), y el Forum (un espacio de discusi贸n abierto a todos los alumnos de la asignatura).Eje: Educaci贸n universitaria: Experiencias uso NTICRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Teaching Academic reading with an App

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    StratApp is a project within KA2 Erasmus+, whose aim is to improve the English academic reading skills of university students by means of a game-based app accessible through mobile technology or web. The app will combine the obvious educational purpose with game-design elements and game principles. The first discipline to be included will be education. The first phase of the project, already completed, involved identifying the reading skills and strategies improvable by means of an app: word recognition, skimming, scanning, recognizing discourse structure and genre, and fluency (Grabe 2009, Nation 2009). The second phase, currently underway, consists in the pedagogical design of the app, i.e., devising the various activities useful to improve each of these skills and strategies. In this presentation, we will focus on activities to raise the app's users' awareness of the generic and discourse characteristics of academic texts (Biber and Douglas 2009, Biber 2012). We will show how we intend to have L2 learners approach academic text reading, taking into account that such texts belong to a specific genre completely different to that of texts used in general English classes, namely, informative texts and fiction (Fern谩ndez-Toledo 2005). Among the most important skills that students need to master are noticing lexical cohesion, identifying the antecedents of pronouns and demonstratives, distinguishing the main ideas from supporting detail, and identifying rhetorical patterns and heavy NPs. Hence, a corpus of academic papers from the most relevant journals of education (such as Review of Educational Research or Research in Higher Education) will be compiled (Aijmer 2009). The specific manifestation of the aspects mentioned above will be taken as the basis for the actual form and content of the activities, and we will discuss the relevance of editing a representative corpus in order to build up a progression in the target language activity

    Reading academic texts : gamification

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    Reading academic texts is a skill which is as difficult as necessary for university students. It has been seen (Dhieb-Henia 2003, Hellekj忙r 2009, Nergis 2013) that even when students have an acceptable level of English, they still encounter difficulties when dealing with academic texts. According to the First European Survey on Language Competences (2011: 42), the percentage of secondary students having achieved at least a B1 CEFR in general English reading is quite low in a number of European countries (France 13%, Spain 24%, Poland 24%). In 2016, a group of researchers from these three countries were awarded a KA2 grant (Erasmus+) for their joint project Gamifying Academic English Skills in Higher Education: Reading Academic English App (StratApp). The project started in December 2016 and will be completed in September 2019. The universities involved in the project are Universitat Rovira i Virgili (leader), Universitat Aut貌noma de Barcelona, Universit茅 de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (France) and Wyzsza Szola Lingwistyczna (Poland), together with a app-developing company in Poland and the Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya. The aim of this project is to improve the English academic reading skills of university students, in various disciplines (to go from an A2 to a B2 CEFR level), through a game-based app that can be accessed through mobile technology or web. In order to make the app more attractive, it will combine the obvious educational purpose (improvement of academic skills) with game-design elements and game principles. The project is divided into five phases (intellectual outputs): 1) identification of reading skills and strategies; 2) pedagogical design of the app; 3) elaboration of the teacher's manual and online guide book; 4) development of the app for Android; 5) creation of the app Content Management System (CSM) and exploitation database. Different partners are responsible for the various phases. In this presentation we will explain the outcome of the first intellectual output, that is, a list of reading skills and strategies improvable by means of an app, which includes skimming, scanning, word recognition, recognising discourse structure and genre, and fluency. The importance of vocabulary for reading is undeniable: the former is needed for the latter, and the latter helps increase the former (Grabe 2009). Hence, this is the first aspect that will be addressed in the app. Next will be two very useful skills for university students: scanning (looking for specific information) and skimming (reading a text quickly to see whether or not it is worth reading more carefully). The third will be the genre characteristics of academic texts, often unknown to L2 speakers, the knowledge of which is of great help when reading a text with the purpose of learning about a specific topic. Finally, the app will focus on the development of reading fluency, to help users become quicker and more effective readers

    Acci贸 directa per millorar les condicions d'aprenentatge dels estudiants de primer. Curs de gram脿tica descriptiva de l'angl猫s

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    Aquest projecte t茅 com a objectiu principal millorar les condicions d'aprenentatge dels estudiants de dues assignatures troncals de primer curs de la titulaci贸 de Filologia Anglesa, Llengua Anglesa: Gram脿tica Descriptiva I i Llengua Anglesa: Gram脿tica Descriptiva II. En aquestes assignatures, els estudiants s'enfronten per primera vegada d'una manera sistem脿tica i seriosa a la gram脿tica d'una llengua estrangera, cosa que els resulta dif铆cil. Per tal d'assolir aquest objectiu s'ha elaborat material d'estudi dissenyat espec铆ficament per als nostres estudiants (nivell de dificultat, temari cobert, comparaci贸 amb les lleng眉es maternes). Aquest material s'ha plasmat en dos llibres de text, en una variada col路lecci贸 d'exercicis (de diversos nivells de dificultat) i en una p脿gina web interactiva. Tot aix貌 s'ha dut a terme amb una feina d'equip comptant amb un alt grau de cohesi贸 i de coordinaci贸, que ha perm猫s assolir l'objectiu principal del projecte.Este proyecto tiene como objetivo principal mejorar las condiciones de aprendizaje de los estudiantes de dos asignaturas troncales de primer curso de la titulaci贸n de Filolog铆a Inglesa: Lengua Inglesa: Gram谩tica Descriptiva I y Lengua Inglesa: Gram谩tica Descriptiva II. En estas asignaturas, los estudiantes se enfrentan por primera vez de una manera sistem谩tica y seria a la gram谩tica de una lengua extranjera, cosa que les resulta dif铆cil. Con el fin de alcanzar este objetivo se ha elaborado material de estudio dise帽ado espec铆ficamente para nuestros estudiantes (nivel de dificultad, temario cubierto, comparaci贸n con las lenguas maternas). Este material se ha plasmado en dos libros de texto, en una variada colecci贸n de ejercicios (con varios niveles de dificultad) y en una p谩gina web interactiva. Todo eso se ha llevado a cabo con un trabajo de equipo que cuenta con un alto grado de cohesi贸n y de coordinaci贸n que ha permitido alcanzar el objetivo principal del proyecto.The primary goal of this project is to improve the learning conditions of students in two core courses in the first year of the degree programme in English Language and Literature, English Language: Descriptive Grammar I and II. In these courses, the students have to handle the grammar of a foreign language in a systematic, serious way for the first time, which proves difficult for them. In order to achieve this goal, study materials have been developed specifically for our students (level of difficulty, syllabus covered, comparison with native languages). This material has been compiled in two textbooks, in a varied collection of exercises (with differing levels of difficulty) and in an interactive website. All of this was accomplished with a working team with a great deal of cohesion and coordination, which has enabled us to achieve the main goal of the project

    The present perfect in english and in catalan. Used and meanings

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    The present perfect in english and in catalan. Used and meanings

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